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People are agents of change, and we realize our planet needs all of us if we are to reverse the effects of climate change and preserve it for our children. While our mission may focus on protecting and restoring honeybee populations, it is people that make this mission possible. Knowing this, Free Range Beehives is driven to make people, and the businesses they compose, excited about nature, conservation and social justice. We do this by engaging them in fun and interactive educational programming, based around and involving hosted honeybee hives, that will leave them ready to go out into the world and make it a better place for all of us!



Our employee wellness programming is designed to improve the lives of the clients, the businesses they work for, and their surrounding communities. Companies have recognized that we, as a society, need to improve the quality of life within our workplaces, and as such have begun instituting more experiential amenities. 


FRB uses the honeybee hives as the basis for our experiential programming to teach concepts of inclusion, communication, selflessness and leadership. In this way, we positively impact employee satisfaction, which not only improves lives and bolsters mental health, but also leads to a more engaged and productive workforce.


Many studies of this phenomenon have been conducted, and it has been found that companies with high engagement rates are on average 21% more profitable, and highly engaged workplaces see 41% lower absenteeism. By making your employees happier and healthier, businesses are also helping themselves!


In addition to the regular challenges of employee retention, the global Covid 19 pandemic has created an employment situation unlike any in recent history. The majority of employers are struggling to fill jobs and get employees to return to the office. It has never been more important to offer a competitive, compelling workplace. While hiring is a challenge, retention is an even bigger challenge: 63% of employers say that retaining employees is more difficult than hiring them, and studies show that more than â…“ of employees are searching for a new job. As a result, US employers are currently spending $1.1B per year searching for replacement workers.


Because employee wellness programs have been proven to reduce turnover and increase productivity, the goal of FRB is to improve workplaces and make people happy and excited to return to their jobs every day!

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